11 Books That Changed My Life and Can Transform Yours, Too!

In my journey of self-growth, I've come across numerous books that have profoundly influenced how I think, live, and pursue my goals. These books have not only provided me with wisdom but have also served as guides during challenging times. I'm excited to share 11 of these impactful books with you. Whether you're looking to start your self-growth journey or seeking inspiration, these books offer valuable insights that can transform your life just as they did mine!

I knew I could not do it alone as I began my journey. I wanted something that I knew and that I could rely upon. That is educating myself. 

I have always been a book lover. An excellent hardback book added to my growing collection makes me so happy! I grew up with parents who, to this day, are rarely caught without a book (or Kindle reader) in their hands. As a small child, my mom would read to me most nights to put me to sleep. And, if I'm lucky, I can still tag along when my niece and nephew have an overnight! (Side note: I'm usually the first to fall asleep!)

Reading books, especially self-growth books, is such an escape. They allow me to learn more about a specific subject and push me to introspect. 

One book that I always seem to go back to reading whenever I feel like I need a little "self-help" boost is "You Are A Badass" by Jen Sincero. Her encouraging words and sense of humor throughout the book have always put me in the zone, and it gives me a little push of confidence to keep moving forward and explore additional avenues to reenergize me in whatever way is necessary. 

Below, I will dive into my list and briefly summarize each. These are in no particular order, but depending on where you are on your journey, you may prefer some over others to start. I'll explain what I mean below!  

As you explore the books that have deeply impacted my journey, please know that some links are affiliate links. By choosing to purchase through these links, you're diving into valuable resources and supporting my work, which allows me to continue bringing you helpful and inspiring content. Thank you for being a part of this journey! Let’s dive in!

1. You're a Badass by Jen Sincero

This book was a game-changer for me. Jen Sincero’s no-nonsense approach to self-improvement is both empowering and relatable. She encourages readers to step out of their comfort zones and pursue the life they’ve always wanted.

One of Jen's points in this book is how we should not wait until the "perfect" moment to start working on our goals and dreams. 

I am guilty of daydreaming and creating all kinds of fantastic (or, I'd like to think) ideas, but that's about as far as they get. 

So often, we let fear get in our way, as that is our ego's way of thinking. It's protecting us when, in reality, it's holding us back from more extraordinary things. 

Jen does an excellent job of encouraging her readers to step out of their comfort zones and press forward to explore a world they likely don't even know exists!

This book is excellent for anyone who needs a little boost to their self-growth journey!

If you're ready to start believing in yourself and taking bold steps toward your dreams, You’re a Badass is a must-read! —> Grab your copy here!

2. Atomic Habits by James Clear

James Clear’s Atomic Habits taught me the power of small, consistent actions. This book shows how tiny changes in our daily routines can lead to remarkable results over time. It's practical, actionable, and incredibly insightful.

I could go on and on about this book! James makes introducing habits into our daily lives simple and attainable. 

One of the many things I love about this book is that he does an excellent job of compounding habit formation techniques. I mean that instead of just saying, "Do this and do that," he provides real-life examples of how these lessons can be incorporated into our lives.

I immediately began applying James's lessons once I completed this book, which I could not put down. I use his techniques daily! 

For example, I have always wanted to make meditation a part of my routine, not just an afterthought. By writing down this action in my daily "to-do" list in my calendar, meditation is now a part of my morning routine. And even though I continue to write it down on each day's list, it is now a habit that follows my morning workout routine!

This habit formation allows me to begin each day with a better sense of clarity, focus, and calm, which I have never had before. 

It was that simple! His guidance of simple yet actionable techniques works, as evidenced by the over 15 million copies sold!     

If you want to learn how to build habits that stick in your life, Atomic Habits offers the blueprint you need! It is a straightforward read and highly recommended as one of the first books on your reading list, as it is a great foundational book for what is yet to come on your journey! —> Check it out here! 

3. The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Dr. Wayne Dyer’s The Power of Intention introduced me to the idea that our intentions shape our reality. This book is a spiritual guide that shows how we can manifest our desires by aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with our intentions.

OK, this book… It is AMAZING. I know I keep saying this, but I could go on and on about this one! I would have to credit this book with completely changing my mindset while my world flipped upside down. 

I mentioned Jen Sincero's book as the spark that lit my candle. This book by Dr. Dyer is like gasoline on my flame! 

I was mentally at my lowest point when I began reading this book. I was in a less-than-stellar spot and just wanted to escape life. I knew that I wasn't depressed and didn't want to hide in some hole. I needed a major boost, and fast, to keep my flame lit. 

It was about this time that I also began journaling as part of my journey. Until then, I was not big into journaling, but I knew what I had done in the past needed to change. I needed to change how I moved through life because I was determined to return to a fulfilling and happy place. 

As I reflect on my journal entries from this time, I see they are loaded with quotes from The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne D. Dyer. Here are a few of my favorites:

"Only a ghost wallows around in his past, explaining himself with self-descriptors based on life lived through. You are what you choose today, not what you've chosen before."

“If you believe in yourself fully, no activity is beyond your potential.”

"You can do anything that you set your mind to accomplish. You are strong, capable, and not the least bit brittle. But by putting things off for a future moment, you are giving into escapism, self-doubt, and, most significantly, self-delusion. Your putting it off zone is a movement away from being strong in your now and toward the direction of hoping that things will improve."

If you're seeking a deeper understanding of how to create the life you desire, The Power of Intention is a powerful resource. —> Discover it here!

4. The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein

Gabrielle Bernstein’s The Universe Has Your Back is all about surrendering control and trusting that the universe is working in your favor. This book has helped me find peace and confidence in moments of uncertainty.

Gabrielle does a beautiful job of guiding the reader through the path to acceptance that the universe (or however you refer to your Higher Power) is in control. She also explains how to work together with this power through our actions and intentions. 

One of my favorite quotes from this book: "When you focus on the positive stories, you raise your energy, elevate your presence, and even boost your immune system to keep you feeling physically strong. Positive stories make you feel good. In the presence of feeling good, you are powerful. Your presence is your power. When your internal movie screen is projecting an empowering story, then your perception of your life is empowered. When you dwell in an energy of positivity and power, you become a magnet for miracles."

Are you feeling overwhelmed by life's uncertainties? The Universe Has Your Back will guide you to trust the journey. It is an excellent read for anyone wanting to get more grounded and recentered. —> Get your copy here!

5. Think Again by Adam Grant

In Think Again, Adam Grant challenges us to rethink our assumptions and open our minds to new possibilities. This book reminds us that growth often comes from questioning what we think we know.

Adam's background as an organizational psychologist professor at Wharton is evident as you go through the pages of this book. He does a great job explaining what he's delivering and has an edge for making you think! Here's a quote from his book that resonates with me:

"It takes humility to reconsider our past commitments, doubt to question our present decisions, and curiosity to reimagine our future plans. What we discover along the way can free us from the shackles of our former selves. Rethinking liberates us to do more than update our knowledge and options- it's a tool for leading a more fulfilling life." 

This book helped me stop and take a second look at what I've done in the past and how I continue to move forward. As the title states, "The power of knowing what you don't know" is fascinating and somewhat perplexing!

This book and others on this list have made me reevaluate life in general. I am pushing myself more and more each day to do something outside of my comfort zone, as this is the only way I will allow myself to learn new ways of navigating what life has to offer! 

Are you ready to challenge your own beliefs? Think Again is a thought-provoking read that will expand your mind! —> Find it here!

6. Breath by James Nestor

Breath by James Nestor explores the science and art of breathing, revealing how something as simple as breathing correctly can dramatically improve our health and well-being. This book has changed the way I approach wellness.

Society has continued to move faster and faster, filling every second of the day with more things on our "To Do" lists. Have you ever had someone tell you to "breathe?"  I know I have! But sadly, often, we aren't! 

While breathing is part of the autonomic nervous system, the part of our body that works without us telling it to, we often do it improperly. Much of this is related to day-to-day overwhelm!

This book is truly eye-opening to something so simple: breathing. For anyone who is interested in learning more about meditation and mindfulness, this is an excellent resource for helping make this therapeutic action even more beneficial to overall health through guided techniques. 

After reading this book, I have become far more mindful of and confident in my breathing. Proper breathing oxygenates our bodies and brains, which overwhelmingly impacts how we function. My energy levels have increased, and my mental capacity has expanded! 

Improve your health with every breath. Breath is a fascinating exploration of the power of breathing. It is an easy-to-read book that is simple enough. —> Learn more here!

7. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale is a classic that emphasizes the transformative power of optimism. This book has reinforced my belief in the power of a positive mindset.

Let me first say that this book was originally written in 1952. That said, it may not speak to everyone. I actually struggled to get through it on my first attempt—and on my second, third, and fourth attempts!

You definitely have to approach this book with an open mind, but once you get past the first few chapters, Norman's messages are still applicable today. 

I take time throughout my days to reflect on what I have said or thought and how I have said or thought things. I realized that my entire energy began to shift when I transitioned my negative thinking or pessimistic ways of saying things to an upbeat, more optimistic delivery!

Are you looking to cultivate a positive mindset? The Power of Positive Thinking is a timeless guide. —> Get inspired here!

8. Your Erroneous Zones by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

In Your Erroneous Zones, Dr. Wayne Dyer teaches us how to overcome self-destructive behaviors and reclaim control over our lives. This book has been instrumental in helping me identify and eliminate negative patterns.

I needed more of his inspirational energy after reading Dr. Wayne W. Dyer's book, The Power of Intention! Your Erroneous Zones did not disappoint. This book was equally incredible and pushed me to dive deeper into my behaviors.

Another powerful quote from Dr. Dyer's book is: "The choice is yours. Your erroneous zone of fear of the unknown is waiting to be replaced by new and exciting activities that will bring pleasure to your life. You don't have to know where you're going—as long as you're on your way."

The universe leads us to places and things at the perfect time. I began reading this book at the start of my digital marketing discovery. It was the ideal little push to encourage me that I was on the right path!

The last chapter of this book had me shaking my head! I felt like Dr. Dyer was describing me to a T! As I continue to move forward each day, it has become essential for me to continue to eliminate these erroneous zones.

If you regularly feel guilt, fear of the unknown, anger, living in the past, or any other self-limiting belief blocking you from living a more fulfilling life, this is an excellent book!

If you are ready to break free from self-limiting beliefs, Your Erroneous Zones is a powerful tool for self-liberation! —> Start your journey here!

9. Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven

Admiral McRaven’s Make Your Bed is a simple yet profound book emphasizing the importance of discipline and small actions. It reminds me that even the smallest actions can make a big difference.

If Atomic Habits intrigues you, I suggest reading this book, too! This concise but packed book will inspire you to start with small habits that can create significant results.

With my history of being a perfectionist and slightly obsessive-compulsive, I found this book excellent. Admiral William H. McRaven is a former Navy SEAL who shares powerful principles for overcoming life’s challenges. 

I have a weak spot for our nation's military, so reading this book, based on Admiral McRaven's speech addressing a university graduating class, was more than just a simple message of encouragement.

The book is 144 pages long and isn't very large, so if you want a book to get you started and have a little motivation that can go a long way, check out this book!

(In case you are wondering, I make my bed daily!)  

Are you looking for a boost in discipline? Make Your Bed is the perfect read to start your day right. —> Check it out here!

10. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is more than just a book about acquiring wealth—it's a deep dive into the mindset required to attract and maintain abundance. Initially published in 1910, this timeless classic offers profound insights into the power of thought, visualization, and purposeful action in creating wealth.

Despite being over a century old, Wattles's principles are just as relevant today as they were then. He teaches that wealth is not merely the result of hard work but rather a consequence of thinking in a certain way—a way that aligns your thoughts with the universal laws of success and prosperity.

I'll be honest: I was a bit hesitant to read this book despite the numerous positive reviews. However, once again, I felt pulled to it for a reason!

Before I read this book, I thought I would come across as greedy and superficial if anyone saw me reading it. But this book is anything but a reason to feel either of those things. 

Much like The Power of Positive Thinking, Wattles wrote this book in an era when people spoke differently. If you can get past this aspect, you will undoubtedly walk away with highly beneficial information! 

I may or may not have had to re-read many sentences more than once to comprehend what the heck he was trying to say! But once I got into the book a little, it became easier for me to understand. So, be advised! 

In all seriousness, if you have any entrepreneurial spirit or drive to achieve financial freedom in the most significant capacity, this book is a must-read! With the bite-sized chapters, I read it repeatedly as a refresher and motivation before starting my workdays!  

If you're ready to transform your money mindset and open yourself to the flow of abundance, The Science of Getting Rich is a must-read!

—> Discover this timeless wisdom here!

11. I Don't Want to Be an Empath Anymore by Ora North

I Don't Want to Be an Empath Anymore is a powerful guide for empaths who often feel overwhelmed by the emotions and energies of others. Ora North provides practical tools for managing emotional sensitivity, creating healthy boundaries, and embracing the strengths of being an empath without losing yourself in the process.

This book has been incredibly impactful in helping me navigate my emotional sensitivities and recognize the value of creating space for my own energy. The author emphasizes self-care, empowerment, and the importance of reclaiming your power as an empath.

The last few years of my life, times have definitely been trying!  However, I am unsure if I have ever experienced such a weight on my shoulders as I did when navigating multiple life-altering changes simultaneously.  It was as though I was trying to snorkel in the middle of the ocean with a cocktail straw.  When someone else was hurting, stressed, or anxious, I FELT IT.  Until this book, I never truly realized that it wasn't MY pain but that of those around me.    

One of my dear friends, who was going through very similar life experiences at that time, sent me this book and strongly urged that I read it. Boy, am I glad she did! This book was truly life-altering. 

This book opened my eyes to how much I was doing everything for everyone except myself. Now, this is not to say that I didn't enjoy doing the things I was doing for everyone I loved and cared about; I just happened to be putting everyone else first and neglecting to listen to my own needs and how my body was digesting this lack of self-care.

Side note: This was the first audiobook I have ever purchased, and I feel like the universe was telling me that this was how I needed to obtain this information. The narration of this book felt as though this author was my friend speaking directly to me! I have listened to it multiple times and will likely continue to listen when I need a refresher.    

If you are an empath and you find yourself repeatedly taking on the emotions of others, or if you are looking for ways to protect your energy and live a more balanced life, I Don't Want to Be an Empath Anymore offers compassionate and practical guidance.

—> Find your path to emotional freedom here!


Each of these books has played a significant role in my self-growth journey, and I hope they inspire and empower you as much as they have me! Whether you're just starting or looking for your next read, I encourage you to explore these titles and discover their wisdom.

One of the beautiful things I love about books is that they are available to read repeatedly! Each time, I learn something new or can apply the information in a way that I hadn’t previously. 

As a Registered Nurse, I committed to a life of lifelong learning. I am always on the hunt for a good read. I hope that this short list of largely inspirational books helps you in many of the same ways that they have helped me! 

I don't know where I might be right now after going through some of the most challenging times of my life. The power of books is real, and I hope you, too, can find whatever you're looking for in them!

If you're eager to dive deeper into self-growth, consider adding these books to your reading list. Each purchase through the links above supports my work, allowing me to continue sharing valuable content with you. I appreciate your support!

May your days be healthy, your mind be at peace, and your life be well-organized as you embrace a holistic approach to organizing your life! ™


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