frequently asked questions

What inspired you to create a blog that untangles chaos? Was your life once a hot mess too?

Ha!  Yes, my life has definitely been a hot mess at times… Some more than others, but I have definitely been there! 

I decided to create the Chaos Untangled™ blog for a few reasons.  First and foremost, I love to write.  I also love to educate!  As a Registered Nurse, this is built into our fabric as we care for our patients and when we train newer nurses and health care assistants.  I always enjoyed teaching nursing students whenever they followed me during their clinical rotations.  I provided a rationale for whatever I was doing rather than simply getting a black-and-white lesson from a book and not being able to fully comprehend the “why” behind what we were being taught. 

Starting my own blog gives me the freedom and flexibility to share my experiences and education with others in a way that hopefully breaks down topics that can be overwhelming and sometimes hard to understand.

Why did you choose to focus on health, wellness, and organization? Can we blame a cluttered closet for this?

This is funny… I suppose you could!  As a child, I threw many things into my closet when I wanted to “clean” my room to do whatever else sounded far more exciting!  Later, however, I would return to said closet and use this as my therapeutic way of decluttering.  …And maybe for a bit of procrastination before doing my homework!  (Sorry, moms and dads!)

Health, wellness, and organization have all been a huge part of who I am and what I am passionate about throughout my life. I have always known that I wanted to grow up and do something that I could never get enough of. 

After many, many, many hours of trying to figure out how I could actually make them all a part of my reality as a whole, it finally came to me.  It was as though a lightbulb went off, and everything became more apparent.  And now you are witnessing just the beginning of my dreams turning into a reality with this blog!  I hope you keep reading and find out more about this process!

How did your journey as a Registered Nurse shape your approach to helping others find peace and balance?

Great question! While nursing has been a large part of my story, I have always found myself trying to help others in whatever way I could. Nursing just ignited my passion for learning further about our overall health and well-being and how the incorporation of the two has such a large impact on our lives. 

Learning more about preventative medicine and healthcare sparked something inside of me that made me want more.  I am genuinely a happy and caring person, and when I see others in pain or struggling my gut instinct is to help.  My education taught me so much more about ways to help eliminate or reduce these things.  I want to share it!  So that is what I am doing throughout the Chaos Untangled™ blog space.

What’s one piece of advice you wish you’d known before embarking on this journey to self-growth and entrepreneurship?

Oh my!  So many things…  I would have to say that the number one thing that I still sometimes struggle with is that I am riding solo!  While I have much experience running and helping others grow their small businesses, I always had someone to bounce my ideas and suggestions off before taking leaps or integrating new systems.  

As an entrepreneur, I have been stretched to learn independently through research and lots of trial and error.  It has made me grow in ways I never knew I was capable of, but it has made me even more confident in my abilities.  It has also made me realize just how badly I have wanted this and the perseverance and determination it has taken me, and continues to take, to see it all come to fruition.

What exactly does it mean to take 'A holistic approach to organizing your life'? And does that include sock drawers?

Hahahaha!  Yes, sock drawers are a part of the approach. 

My slogan, “A Holistic Approach to Organizing Your Life™,” means that we must not simply focus on one area to create a life filled with peace, calm, abundance, happiness, and health.  So many components go into making this sacred space of well-being.  If you aren’t physically or mentally healthy, enjoying life would not be easy.  Just the same, living in an environment that is cluttered, dirty, disorganized, or toxic would make it challenging to be physically and mentally healthy.  Constantly worrying about finances and how you will pay your bills makes it hard to live fully, too.  My goal is to address as much as I can about these areas to help guide others along their paths to a life filled with more joy and less stress. 

What’s the story behind the name Chaos Untangled? Were you literally buried under a pile of chaos one day?

Again, one could look at it this way, yes!  Hahaha! 

Chaos Untangled™” came pretty quickly when I was brainstorming business names for my professional organizing business.  Something about it just stuck with me.  I had always heard people complaining about how chaotic their lives were, and it just seemed to fit.  I knew when I decided on this name for the organizing aspect of my business that it would be something that I would be able to grow into the other areas I knew I wanted to create down the road.  At the time, I didn’t realize what that meant!  But it is growing now, and I intend to keep it doing that for a long time. 

What advice would you give someone who wants to pivot into digital marketing but feels totally clueless?

I would first tell them that this is a totally normal feeling in the beginning! I had pretty much zero clue just how much opportunity was out there in the digital world. But the more I dove into learning about it, the more I realized that we are all a part of it almost daily! 

Those emails you receive from your favorite stores telling you about their upcoming sales… digital marketing!  The banner you see when searching for that necessary item on Amazon… digital marketing!  Finding a new, yummy restaurant when you do a Google search… digital marketing!  What you are reading right now… You’ve got it!  Digital marketing! 

We live in an age where almost anything we want to know about, how we connect with others, and how to find guidance, can be found inside technology. Whether we like it or not, technology is here to stay! 

There are soooo many courses and guides, both free and paid, that are saturating the web anymore.  It can be intimidating, but my best advice to anyone looking to learn more about digital marketing is to start with a free guide that will help answer questions and even provide information they don’t even know exists.  Just like I did! 

I have a great freebie for this material, which is precisely how I dove into learning about digital marketing, and it is an excellent source of information.  Once I learned more about it, I chose to take the plunge and purchase a course that continues to teach me as I grow further into the space.  I highly recommend checking it out whether you want to start a new business, upgrade your current business, or learn and get inspired!  You can grab my free guide here!  —> Fast-Track to Digital Marketing Success!

What’s the one thing about wellness that surprised you the most on your own journey?

I’d have to say how amazing I feel after incorporating more than just simply watching what I eat and drink and how much exercise I get into my daily life.  I have learned how to view life through such a different lens and become even more passionate about exploring everything I can fit into my life!  Mindfulness, meditation, reading, getting out into nature more often, being near family and friends, and learning to just ‘be’ and allow life to unfold organically has shown me a more fulfilling life.

I look forward to sharing this with my Chaos Untangled™ readers! 

If you could choose one book from your ‘must-read’ list that changed your life, which one would it be and why?

I Don't Want to Be an Empath Anymore by Ora North was a wake-up call. Maybe it was simply the timing of this book's introduction, but it was a wake-up call to me. I was drained mentally and physically and on total life overload. This book made me more aware of how much of myself I was doling out to others but failing to refill my cup first. 

While the term 'empath' can be overused, I know I am one of them.  I have been for as long as I can remember.  And what's funny is that a handful of my dearest friends are also!  It has been a blessing to have so many women in my life who understand this concept and genuinely know what it feels like to take on someone else's (or a lot of someone else's) emotions. 

If you are curious about this book, you can read more about it in my blog, 11 Books That Changed My Life and Can Transform Yours, Too!

How can other women going through tough transitions, like divorce, use this moment as a chance to untangle their own chaos?

I want to say to these women: IT WILL GET BETTER.  Sometimes, it doesn’t always feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I have had many of those days myself, but I assure you… good days are going to come.  Scratch that.  AMAZING days are going to come! 

We are all on our journeys; no two have the same story.  You are uniquely you, and that is what makes you unique!  It’s so easy in this world we live in now to feel like no one sees us or that we must do or be like everyone else.  But I am here to tell yah, sista!  That is as far from the truth as it comes. 

The world doesn’t need more people trying to replicate and mimic someone else.  They want to hear and see the raw version of genuine people who are perfectly imperfect.  We all have flaws.  We all have moments of self-doubt.  It’s in these moments that we GROW!  What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!  It’s so true…  We get through 100% of the tough days, which means that we have the opportunity to try again every day!  To learn more.  We need to push forward and take another step closer to finding what we want.  What we deserve! 

I am proof that despite some heavy life happenings, life is still beautiful and abundant in all areas!  Sometimes, it may seem like that is not the case because we want immediate gratification, but that is why it is so essential that we slow down and learn healthier ways to regain our strength in ourselves.  You are not alone!  And if you take a moment to look around and listen, you might find that more women have similar stories to tell. 

I want you to know I am here to extend my hand and heart.  My wish for you is that you can take something positive away from what I have created in this space.  It’s time to build one another up and empower each other to live our best lives.  I hope to share this ripple effect with you, as this is my goal and why I have poured my heart into this space!  Hang in there and know that better days are ahead.  ♥