5 Simple Ways to Transform Your Relationship with Food Forever

Nourishment is more than just fueling our bodies; it’s about embracing a holistic approach to what we consume and how it impacts our overall well-being.  When we shift our mindset around food and beverages, we open the door to profound changes in our health, energy, and mental clarity.  This post begins a journey into understanding nourishment on a deeper level, and I hope it inspires you to reconsider how you feed your body and soul.

1.  Embrace Whole Foods as Your Foundation

The first step to transforming your nourishment habits is to focus on whole, unprocessed foods.  These foods come from nature and are packed with the nutrients your body craves.  Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins should form the foundation of your diet.  When you choose whole foods, you're not just eating to satisfy hunger; you're providing your body with the essential building blocks for health and vitality.

I have always been relatively mindful of the foods and beverages I consume, but it took me getting extremely ill for the second time to make it a priority truly. 

My rule when it comes to what I consume is, "Unless it comes from the ground, it isn't good enough to go in my gut."  While some may find this rule very limiting, it can also be extremely rewarding.

When I went on my journey to uncover what was causing me to have chronic fatigue to the point that I could barely get out of bed, and showering without a shower chair wasn't a possibility, even that wasn't easy, I discovered so much about how my body reacts to specific foods. 

While I didn't necessarily intend this rule to become a forever rule, this elimination diet unintentionally became just that! 

An elimination diet involves cutting out specific food items or possible allergens and slowly reintroducing them one by one to see how your body reacts.  I was forced to do this during this challenging time because no one knew what was wrong with me.

However, in doing so, I found that by cutting processed foods completely, cutting anything that had sugar other than natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables, and cutting meat, my energy levels began to increase almost overnight!  

I also share weekly tips for nourishing your body in my weekly emails, The Chaos Detox! Be sure to check it out! You can sign up here. —>

2.  Practice Mindful Eating

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to eat on the go or while multitasking, but this often leads to overeating and missing out on the joy of food. Mindful eating is about slowing down, savoring each bite, and being present during meals.  By paying attention to your food's flavors, textures, and aromas, you'll enjoy your meals more and tune into your body's hunger and fullness signals more effectively.

One habit I had been guilty of for many years was sitting in front of the TV to eat.  After a long day, I wanted to plop down, enjoy my dinner, and zone out on whatever was on the screen.  Until recently, I never gave it a second thought.  Food was food, and I was eating it.  I had already been mindful about what I was eating, so wasn’t that good enough?

The short answer is no.  When I decided to stop doing anything while I was eating, be it playing on my phone, watching TV, or even reading a book, I started noticing that my body was signaling to me when it was full, and I stopped.  Don't get me wrong—I still love my movie and pizza nights!  But those are treats and not regular occurrences. 

Have you ever kept forcing food in your face, not paying attention, and then BAM!  You stop and realize you feel like you're busting at the seams, and you know that you should have stopped a while back?  Yep!  Been there!

Not only did my introduction to mindful eating help me no longer reach that point, but it also opened my eyes to just how fantastic and flavorful the foods I eat are!  I began enjoying my food in a way I had never experienced.

3.  Hydrate with Purpose

Proper hydration is a cornerstone of nourishment, but it is often overlooked.  Water is essential for every function in your body, from digestion to circulation.  Yet, many of us need to drink more water throughout the day.  By prioritizing hydration, you'll notice improvements in your energy levels, skin health, and even your ability to concentrate.

As many nurses can attest, we are known to have our big water cups with us no matter where we are.  You will rarely see me without mine!  Even when I take a quick car ride, that big cup sits in my cupholder next to me!

As I mentioned about food, the same applies to when I don't get enough water in my system.  My body has a rather loud way of letting me know the tank is running on empty!  One of the first indicators I've likely not consumed nearly enough is when my lips start drying.  My hands also tend to begin feeling dry and itchy. 

Another critical factor I keep in mind regarding water consumption is that it helps our bodies systematically rid themselves of the toxins in much of what we consume, the things we put on our skin, and the air we breathe.  Water is incredible! 

4.  Rethink Your Beverage Choices

What you drink can be just as important as what you eat.  Sugary drinks, excessive caffeine, and alcohol can all impact your health in subtle and not-so-subtle ways.  Instead of reaching for a soda or sugary latte, consider alternatives like herbal teas, fresh juices, or infused water.  These beverages hydrate and can provide additional nutrients and support your overall well-being.

I realize that drinking water is not the preferred beverage for many people.  Most people drink it only because they know they must but fail to consume enough.

When you drink something other than water, the choices contain sugar more often than not.  Even when a beverage is labeled as "no sugar added," 9 out of 10 times, it has some sugar additive.  Marketing schemes continue to make us think we are making healthy decisions.  Still, like a computer with a virus, they try to bury the evidence, or chemicals rather, so deeply into the ingredients list that we are unaware as an average consumer.

With this so often being the case, I have found it fun to explore different types of herbal teas and make pitchers of fruit-infused water.  Making a pitcher of cold cucumber water makes me feel like I'm at the spa!  Sometimes, I'll make some ahead of time so it's nice and cold so that when I take a relaxing bath at the end of the day, I can get a little spa-like feeling! 

Another thing that I love to do when I make my own truly sugar-free beverages is sometimes drink them out of a fancy wine glass!  I love this!  It's my way of having mocktail time!  I love finding new refreshing drinks that help me remain hydrated.  Pinterest has some clever ideas if you need some inspiration!    

5.  Cultivate a Positive Mindset Around Food

Your mindset plays a significant role in how you nourish yourself.  Cultivating a positive relationship with food is essential, free from guilt or restriction.  Focus on what you can add to your diet to enhance your health rather than what you need to remove.  By viewing food as a source of nourishment and pleasure rather than something to be controlled or feared, you can create a healthier, more sustainable approach to eating.

I don’t know about you, but whenever I hear 'diet,' I cringe a little!  Society has made the word seem like it is always negative in that we restrict ourselves from foods we enjoy.  While this meaning can be true, it shouldn't be negative.

I'm sure you have heard the phrase, "Everything in moderation.  Even moderation."  This phrase means it is OK to enjoy something other than the healthiest thing on the menu!  It just means that we should be more mindful not to consider every day a "cheat day." 

So don't beat yourself up if you decide to enjoy yourself now and again.  Life is short!  As long as you focus on filling most of your meals with healthy choices, little pleasures here and there are acceptable.


Nourishment is a journey, and it starts with small, intentional changes.  You can transform how you nourish yourself by embracing whole foods, practicing mindful eating, hydrating purposefully, rethinking your beverage choices, and cultivating a positive mindset around food.  This blog post is just the beginning of our exploration into nourishment—stay tuned for more insights, tips, and inspiration to help you on your path to a healthier, more vibrant life!

And make sure to take advantage of future posts and resources!  Subscribe to my weekly newsletter, The Chaos Detox, for more tips on nourishing your body and mind, and grab your free guides to kickstart your journey today!

May your days be healthy, your mind be at peace, and your life be well-organized as you embrace a holistic approach to organizing your life! ™


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